Thanks to all who responded! Original question: I would like to convert a floating point grid to an integer grid. I have Spatial Analyst and ArcView 8.1 . I would then like to convert that integer grid to a point theme. Dr. Uwe Lange: did you try aGrid.Truncate, to convert the floating point grid to an integer grid? Mathais Tobler: Use the Int function under Arithmetic in the Map Calculator to create the integer grid. The Avenue script below converts the gird to a point theme. 'grid2pt 'Jeff Ardron, Living Oceans Society, BC, Canada. ' 'Oct. 2000 'Creates a point theme from active grid theme cell values. 'Selected cells used, or all if none selected. 'Null cells ignored. 'Adds theme to active view. 'Useful, for example, to do a density analysis. theView = av.GetActiveDoc thePrj = theView.GetProjection theGthm = theView.GetActiveThemes.Get(0) theGrid = theGthm.GetGrid 'Prompt for theme name ptName = FileName.GetCWD.MakeTmp("gridpt","shp") ptName = FileDialog.Put(ptName, "*.shp", "Save Point Theme") if (ptName = NIL) then exit end 'Create point theme ptName.SetExtension("shp") ptFTab = theGrid.AsPointFTab(ptName,thePrj) ptThm = FTheme.Make(ptFTab) 'Add the theme to the view... theView.AddTheme(ptThm) Joe Martinetti: In Spatial Analyst you could use the INT request the same way and then the AsPointFTab. Elaine Hallisey Hendrix: Using the Map Calculator, the command "aGrid.Int" (no quotes, and aGrid is the name of your input raster) converts each cell of aGrid to an integer value by truncating at the decimal point. In the Raster Calculator, click on the double arrow next to Cancel. Clickin the Int button brings up Int(). Move the cursor inside the parenthese and double click on the name of your grid. Int([aGrid]) Bill Huber: In the map calculator use an expression like [My grid].Int There are then many ways to convert that to a point shapefile. The most straightforward probably is to use the Sample request within a script, as shown below. The speed is impressive--processing a grid with 1,000,000 cells took 59 seconds on a two-year old PC here. Don't try it unless the grid is pretty small (about a million cells or less)--your system will probably choke on point themes with larger numbers of records. Incidentally, this technique does not require your grid to be an integer grid. ' ' Script to convert a grid to a point theme. ' Run from the view containing the grid theme to convert. ' ' Performs no error checking! ' WAH@QD, 16 Aug 2001 ' sGridName = "My grid" ' Use your grid theme name here theView = av.GetActiveDoc g = theView.FindTheme(sGridName).GetGrid theVTab = (g=g).Sample({g}) theXY = XYName.Make(theVTab, theVTab.FindField("X"), theVTab.FindField("Y")) theTheme = Theme.Make(theXY) theView.AddTheme(theTheme) ' end of example __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger